Why would you want to hack your own wireless network? To make sure you catch security holes before they become something serious. WiFi Pineapple Mark V can help. This amazing tool serves as an auditing device for your wireless network. It is built to enable users to deploy advanced attacks on their network. It is an affordable tool that features dual unlocked high gain radios, twice the RAM and ROM of the previous generation, and an auto attack mode.
The web interface for this device allows anyone to deploy attacks easily. Its bootloader-based recovery web interface makes it unbrickable. Its pentest packages include aircrack-ng, dsniff, easy-creds, ettercap, hping3, httptunnel, karma, kismet, macchanger, mdk3, ngrep, nmap, nodogsplash captive portal, privoxy, ptunnel, snort, sslsniff, sslstrip, ssltunnel, stunnel, tcpdump, tor, and reaver. Not for everyone but useful for security professionals.